Research interests
Design of Safety Critical and Dependable Systems
Dependable, Responsible Trustworthy AI
Safety of Machine Learning
Safety of Autonomous Systems
Safety of Systems of Systems
Model-based Systems, Software & Safety Engineering
Dependability (Reliability, Safety, Availability) Analysis of Systems
Model-based Automated Safety Analysis, HiP-HOPS, Model-Checking
Automatic Safety Argumentation
Optimisation of System Architecture and Maintenance
Metaheuristics, Genetic Algorithms, AI applications in Engineering
Applications in automotive, aerospace, rail, shipping & offshore, telehealth industries
AI applications in Art, Generative Art
For information about the model-based dependability analysis, architecture optimization and requirements' allocation tool that we develop in the Dependable Systems research group, including downloads of the evaluation version, please visit the HiP-HOPS website .
For information about the new digital and generative art project, please visit our art website.
I am currently accepting applications for PhDs in the areas above. For potential PhD projects please see examples in this page in the areas of HiP-HOPS, Machines Designing Machines, 3D User Interfaces, and Digital & Generative Art and in the area of Dependable AI. The key requirements for PhD applicants are a good degree, strong software engineering skills, and an exploratory mind. Much of the work has extensive industrial applicability and is done in collaboration with large industrial organisations which are technology leaders in their field. Despite the many applications of this work in the engineering of technologically advanced systems, such as electric and semi-autonomous cars, the work involved in those PhD projects does not require any knowledge of these engineering domains and is mainly focused on computer science, and the development and implementation of novel algorithms and tools using standard computer equipment and programming environments. Please contact me if you are interested in a PhD.
Recent and current major research projects
EPSRC EDGE AI Hub (2024-2029) Large EPSRC project investigating Edge-AI. Our role is to improve the safety of this technology by applying statistical techniques for the safety of Machine Learning as well as Multi-Agent Safety Monitors to ensure that faults, inaccuracies and threats are dealt appropriately.
SESAME(2021-2024) EU H2020 funded research project on Safety and Security of Multi-Robot Systems
SafeML(2020 - 2024) Project with Fraunhofer IESE and Nuremberg Institute of Technology on Safety of Machine Learning
DREAM (2018-2021), Data-driven Reliability-centred Evolutionary Asset Manager, funded by Electricite De France, London. The project explores the development of intelligent bio-inspired techniques that perform data-driven diagnoses of faults and prognoses of effects to continually produce and update an evolving optimal plan of Wind Farm maintenance. We envision a data-driven Wind Farm Operations and Maintenance Manager, i.e. a software system that integrates data and artificial intelligence algorithms to optimise operation and maintenance.
SAS-JLR (2019-2020), Safety of Autonomous Systems, funded by Jaguar Land Rover.The project examines examples of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and software systems used in autonomous and connected cars for potential flaws related to safety. The aim is to derive analyses and methods that improve safety and certification processes in the future.
DEIS (2017-2020). EU H2020 project developing a concept of Digital Dependability Identities, i.e. modular, composable, and executable specifications of dependability for components and systems with key application in cyber-physical and open systems of systems. The University of Hull mostly develops techniques for auto-generation of such specifications and for their real-time evaluation. Partners include AVL List GmbH, Siemens AG, General Motors Powertrain – Europe, Ideas & Motion and Portable Medical Technology Ltd.
MAENAD (2011-2015), EU FP7 project on design of fully-electric vehicles in line with new automotive safety standards. Our key contributions included development of algorithms for automatic allocation of safety requirements and new concepts for automatic optimisation of system architectures, including across product lines, using various metaheuristics. Partners included Volvo, Fiat, Continental, Delphi, CEA (France), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), and Technical University of Berlin (Germany).
DELTA (2012-2014) Dependable Telehealth, HEIF5 project funded by the British Government, developing techniques for dependable design of Telehealth Systems; specifically, exploring integration of failure logic modeling techniques with model checking and their application on process- as well as architectural- models.
ATESST2 (2009-2011), EU FP7 project on dependable design of cooperative automotive systems. Key contributions included input into the error model of the EAST-ADL modelling language, concepts for automatic optimisation for dependability, cost, and performance using genetic algorithms, and multi-perspective safety analysis across a number of modelling layers. Partners included Mecel, Volvo, Fiat, Continental, CEA (France), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Technical University of Berlin (Germany), and Metacase (Finland).
SAFEDOR (2005-2008), EU Integrated FP6 project on model-based safety processes in the maritime industries, one of the largest ever EU projects on safety, bringing together 53 partners. Key contributions included the development of interfaces with major modelling packages and the creation of new algorithms for synthesis and analysis of safety models. Collaborators in this project included Germanischer Lloyd (Germany), DNV (Norway) and ITI Software (Germany).
ASA (2007) Automated Safety Analysis Tool, Project funded by Yorkshire forward. The project developed scalable solutions that completed earlier research and paved the way for the subsequent commercialization of safety analysis tools.
OPAL (2003-2005) Optimal Allocation, Project funded by Volvo looking at techniques for dependability analysis and optimization of embedded system models.

Volvo has been a long standing collaborator in my research
A list follows.
Full list and citations at Google Scholar
Full texts for most papers can be found at Researchgate
Aslansefat, K., Hashemian, M., Akram, M.N., Sorokos, I. and Papadopoulos, Y., 2024. Explaining Black Boxes With a SMILE: Statistical Model-Agnostic Interpretability With Local Explanations, IEEE Software 41(1):87-97
Kabir S., Taleb-Berrouane M., Papadopoulos Y. (2023) Dynamic Reliability Assessment of Flare Systems by Combining Fault Tree Analysis and Bayesian Networks, Energy Sources - Part A Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 45(2):4305-4322, Taylor & Francis
K Aslansefat, S Kabir, A Abdullatif, V Vasudevan, Y Papadopoulos (2021) Toward Improving Confidence in Autonomous Vehicle Software: A Study on Traffic Sign Recognition Systems, IEEE Computer 54 (8), 66-76
Kabir S., Papadopoulos Y. (2021) Computational intelligence for safety assurance of cooperative systems of systems, IEEE Computer 53 (12), 24-34, IEEE
Khodayee S.M., Chiacchio F., Papadopoulos Y. (2021) A Novel Approach Based on Stochastic Hybrid Fault Tree to Compare Alternative Flare Gas Recovery Systems, IEEE Access 9, 51029-51049, IEEE
Kabir, S., Aslansefat, K., Sorokos, I., & Papadopoulos, Y. Konur S. (2020) A Hybrid Modular Approach for Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis, IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2996643
Gheraibia, Y., Kabir, S., Aslansefat, K., Sorokos, I., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2019) Safety+ AI: A Novel Approach to Update Safety Models Using Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2941566, IEEE
Zhibao M., Bottaci L., PapadopoulosY., Mahmud N., Model Transformation for analyzing Dependability of AADL model by using HiP-HOPS, Journal of Systems and Software, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2019.02.019, Elsevier
Kabir S., Taleb-Berrouane M., Papadopoulos Y. (2019) Dynamic Reliability Assessment of Flare Systems by Combining Fault Tree Analysis and Bayesian Networks, Energy Sources - Part A Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2019.1670287, Taylor & Francis
Oliveira A., Braga R., Masiero P., Parkr D., Papadopoulos Y., Habli I., Kelly T. (2019) Variability management in safety-critical systems design and dependability analysis, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, DOI: 10.1002/smr.2202
Gheraibia Y., Moussaoui A., Yin P.Y., Papadopoulos Y. Maazouzi S. (2019) PeSOA: Penguins Search Optimisation Algorithm for Global Optimisation Problems, The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), 16:1-9, May 2019, arXiv:1809.09895.
Kabir S., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2019) Applications of Bayesian networks and Petri nets in safety, reliability, and risk assessments: A review, Safety Science 115:154-175, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.02.009, Elsevier
Aizpurua J, Papadopoulos Y., Merle G. (2018) Explicit Modelling and Treatment of Repair in Prediction of Dependability,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2018.2857810, IEEE
Kabir S., Papadopoulos Y. (2018) A review of applications of fuzzy sets to safety and reliability engineering, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 100:29-55, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2018.05.005, Elsevier
Torrao, L., Papadopoulos, Y. and McKie, D. (2018). TIMAEUS: A digital art studio inspired by antiquity. Generative Art Science and Technology hard Journal. Available at:,
Kabir S., Yazdi M., Aizpurua J., Papadopoulos Y. (2018) Uncertainty-aware dynamic reliability analysis framework for complex systems, IEEE Access PP(99):1-1, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2843166, IEEE
Lampe J., Rüde E., PapadopoulosY., Kabir S. (2018) Model-Based Assessment of Energy-Efficiency, Dependability, and Cost-Effectiveness of Waste Heat Recovery Systems Onboard Ship, Ocean Engineering, 157:234-250, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.03.062, Elsevier
Kabir S., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2018) Dynamic system safety analysis in HiP-HOPS with Petri Nets and Bayesian Networks, Safety Science, 105:55-70, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2018.02.001, Elsevier
Aizpurua, J. I., Catterson V. M., Papadopoulos Y., Chiacchio F, D. D’Urso (2017), Supporting group maintenance through prognostics-enhanced dynamic dependability prediction, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2017.04.005, Elsevier, ISSN 0951-8320
Aizpurua, J. I., Papadopoulos, Y., Muxika, E., Chiacchio, F., Manno, G. (2017) On Cost-effective Reuse of Components in the Design of Complex Reconfigurable Systems. Quality Reliability Engineering International, doi:10.1002/qre.2112, Wiley International
Aizpurua, J. I., Catterson V. M., Papadopoulos Y., Chiacchio F, Manno G. (2017) Improved Dynamic Dependability Assessment Through Integration With Prognostics. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 99:1-21, ISSN 0018-9529
Papadopoulos Y., Walker M., Parker D., Sharvia S., Bottaci L., Kabir S., Azevedo L., Sorokos I. (2016) A Synthesis of Logic and Bio-inspired techniques in the Design of Dependable Systems, Annual Reviews in Control, 41: 170-182, IFAC & Elsevier, ISSN: 1367-5788 (extension of plenary paper at IFAC- DCDS'15).
Kabir S., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. Ruede E., Securius P. (2016), Fuzzy Temporal Fault Tree Analysis of Dynamic Systems, Int'l Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 77:20-37, Elsevier, ISSN 0888-613X 3.
Blom H., Chen D.J.,, Kaijser H., Lönn H., Papadopoulos Y., Reiser M.O., Kolagari T., Tucci S. (2016) EAST-ADL: An Architecture Description Language for Automotive Software-intensive Systems in the Light of Recent use and Research, Int'l Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 5(3):1-19, IGI Publishing, ISSN: 2160-9772.
Oliveira A. L., Rosana T. V. Braga, Paulo Cesar Masiero, Papadopoulos Y., Ibrahim Habli, Tim Kelly (in print) Model-Based Safety Analysis of Software Product Lines, Special issue on Critical and Real-time Cyberphysical Systems, Int'l Journal of Critical Embedded Systems, 8(5-6):412-426 (extension of best paper at IEEE SBES'14, ISSN 1741-1068).
Aizpurua J.I., Muxika E., Papadopoulos Y., Chiacchio F., Manno G. (2016) Application of the D3H2 Methodology for Cost-effective Design of Dependable Systems, Safety, 2(2):9 - doi:10.3390/safety2020009, MDPI Publishers, ISSN 2313-576X
Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y. (2015) Integrating model checking with HiP-HOPS in model-based safety analysis, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 135:64–80, Elsevier, ISSN 0951-8320
Azevedo L., Parker D., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y., Araujo R. (2014) Assisted Assignment of Automotive Safety Requirements. IEEE Software 31(1):62-68, 2014, 1EEE.
Al-Qora’n L., Gordon N., Sharvia S., Walker S., Papadopoulos Y. (2014) An Approach to Safety Analysis of Clinical Workflows. Journal of Health 1(2):189-204, ATINER, ISSN: 2241-8229.
Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y., Chen D., Walker. M. Yuan W. (2014) Enhancing the EAST-ADL error model with HiP-HOPS semantics. Journal of Technology 1(2):137-154, ATINER, ISSN: 2241-8237
Walker M., Reiser M-O., Tucci S., Papadopoulos Y., Lonn H., Parker D., Chen D.-J. (2013) Automatic Optimisation of System Architectures using EAST-ADL, Journal of Systems & Software, 86(10): 2467–2487, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2013.04.001. ISSN 0164-1212.
Al-Qora’n L., Sharvia S., Gordon N., Papadopoulos Y (2013) Safety Analysis of a Remote Patient Monitoring System with a Guideline Based Decision Support, Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources. 6:322-327, 2013, (eds) Jordanova M. and Lievens F. International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH). ISSN: 1998-5509.
N.Mahmud, Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2012), Compositional synthesis of Temporal Fault Trees from State Machines, ACM SiGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 39 (4):79-88 ISSN:0163-5999
Papadopoulos Y., Walker M., Parker D., Rüde E., Hamann R., Uhlig A., Grätz U., Lien R. (2011 ) Engineering Failure Analysis & Design Optimisation with HiP-HOPS, Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis, 18 (2): 590-608, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2010.09.025, Elsevier Science, ISSN: 1350-6307
DeJiu Chen, Rolf Johansson, Henrik Lönn, Hans Blom, Martin Walker, Papadopoulos, Sandra Torchiaro, Fulvio Tagliabo, Anders Sandberg, and Matthias Biehl (2011) Integrated Fault Modelling for Safety-Critical Automotive Embedded Systems, IE&I elektrotechnik und informationstechnik, 128(6): 196-202, Springer, ISSN: 0932-383X
Adachi M., Papadopoulos Y., Sharvia S., Parker D., Tohdo T. (2011) An approach to optimization of fault tolerant architectures using HiP-HOPS, Software Practice and Experience, 41:1303-1327, DOI: 10.1002/spe.1044, 36 pages, Wiley Inderscience. ISSN: 0038-0644.
Wolforth I., Walker M., Grunske L., Papadopoulos Y. (2010), Generalisable Safety Annotations for Specification of Failure Patterns, Software Practice and Experience, 40(5):453-483, Wiley Inderscience. ISSN: 0038-0644.
Wolforth I., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y., Grunske L. (2010), Capture and Reuse of Composable Failure Patterns, Int’l Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 1 (1-3): 128-147, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN 1757-8779
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2009) Qualitative Temporal Analysis: Towards a full implementation of the Fault Tree Handbook, Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier Science, 17(10):1115-1125, ISSN 0967-0661
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Lönn H. Törngren M., Chen D., Johansson R. Sandberg A. (2009) Semi-Automatic FMEA supporting complex systems with combinations and sequences of failures, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars- Mechanical Systems October 2009 2(1): 791-802, SAE Transactions - Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, ISSN: 1946-4002.
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y, (2008) Synthesis and analysis of temporal fault trees with PANDORA: The time of Priority AND gates, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2(2):368-382, doi:10.1016/j.nahs. 2006.05.003, Elsevier Science, ISSN 1751-570X.
Zeng W., Papadopoulos Y., Parker D. (2007), Reliability Optimization of Series-Parallel Systems Using Asynchronous Heterogeneous Hierarchical Parallel Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Mind and Computation, 1(4): 403-412, China Academic Electronic Publishing House.
Papadopoulos Y., Audrey T., Faure J.-M.. Grante C. (2006) Component failure behaviour: Patterns And reuse in automated system safety analysis, SAE Transactions - Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, 115(6): 1296-1311, ISSN: 1946-4002.
Papadopoulos Y., Grante C. (2005) Evolving car designs using model-based automated safety analysis and optimisation techniques, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, 76(1):77-89 (extended version of paper that received distinction among best papers in COMPSAC’03), ISSN 0164-1212.
Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Grante C. (2004) A method and tool support for model-based semi-automated Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) of engineering designs, Research and Practice in Information Technology, 47:89-95, ACM, ISSN 1445-1336
Papadopoulos Y. (2003) Model-based system monitoring and diagnosis of failures using State-charts and Fault Trees, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 81:325-341, 2003 (extended version of paper that received distinction among best papers in SAFECOMP’02), ISSN 0951-8320.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A., Sasse R., Heiner G. (2001) Analysis and synthesis of the behaviour of complex programmable electronic systems in conditions of failure, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 71(3):229-247, Elsevier Science, 2001 (extended version of paper that received distinction among best papers in SAFECOMP’99), ISSN 0951-8320
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J.A. (2001) Automated safety monitoring: a review and classification of methods, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, 4(4):14-32, Oct. 2001, ISSN: 1363-7681.
Papadopoulos Y. (2001) New developments in software hazard analysis and the assessment of complex programmable safety-critical systems, Croner Health and Safety Manager, 91:14-19, London, Dec. 2001
Papadopoulos Y., (2000) Mechanical synthesis of fault trees from hierarchical design models, Epigram Newsletter, 9:1-6, April 2000
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A. (1999) The potential for a generic approach to certification of safety-critical systems in the transportation sector, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 63(1): 47-66, Elsevier Science, 1999, ISSN 0951-8320.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A. (1998) Safety-directed monitoring using safety cases, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, 1(4):5-15, Oct. 1998 (“best paper of year” award), ISSN: 1363-7681.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A. (1998) A harmonised model for safety assessment and certification of safety critical systems, Requirements Engineering Journal, 3(2):143-150, Springer-Verlag, 1998 (extended version of paper that received distinction among best papers in CEIRE’98), ISSN: 0947-3602.
Hassapis G., Papadopoulos Y. (1995) Support software for the development of programmable logic controller applications. Real-Time Systems 9(2): 173-193 Springer, 1995 (paper based on my undergraduate dissertation), ISSN: 0922-6443
Papadopoulos, Y., Aslansefat, K., Katsaros, P., & Bozzano, M. (2019). Model-Based Safety and Assessment, Springer. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium, IMBSA 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 16-18, LNCS 11842, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-32871-9.
Bozzano M., Papadopoulos Y. (Eds.) Model-Based Safety and Assessment, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium, IMBSA 2017, Trento, Italy, September 11–13, 2017, LNCS 10437, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-64118-8
Papadopoulos Y., Petratos P. (2012) Enterprise Management Information Systems, Atiner Publishers, ISBN:978-960-9549-60-8
Book Chapters & Springer Series
Aslansefat, K., Kabir, S., Gheraibia, Y., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2020). Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis for Systems Safety and Reliability Analysis: state-of-the-art in modelling, analysis and tools, in Reliability Management and Engineering: Challenges and Future Trends, Taylor & Francis.
Papadopoulos, Y., Torrao, L. (2019) Meeting Epictetus and Seneca in an Infinite Virtual Stoa: Classical Wisdom as Emotional Education of the Future, In Generative Art – Futuring Past, selected works from the Letterature International Festival in Rome, pp. 89-103, Domus Argenia, Rome 2019, ISBN 978-88-96610-37-4
Whiting D., Sorokos I., Papadopoulos Y., Automated Model-Based Attack Tree Analysis Using HiP-HOPS, Int’l Symp. on Model-Based Safety Assessment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11842:255-269, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-32871-9.
Aslansefat, K., Kabir, S., Gheraibia, Y., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2020). Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis for Systems Safety and Reliability Analysis: state-of-the-art in modelling, analysis and tools, in Reliability Management and Engineering: Challenges and Future Trends, Taylor & Francis.
Kabir, S., Sorokos, I., Aslansefat, K., Papadopoulos, Y., Gheraibia, Y., Wei, R. (2019). A Runtime Safety Analysis Concept for Open Adaptive Systems. Int’l Symp. on Model-Based Safety Assessment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11842:332-346, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-32871-9.
Kabir, S., Aslansefat, K., Sorokos, I., Papadopoulos, Y., & Gheraibia, Y. (2019, October). A Conceptual Framework to Incorporate Complex Basic Events in HiP-HOPS. International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11842: 109-124, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-32871-9
Oliveira A., Braga R., Masiero P., Papadopoulos Y., et al (2018) Variability Management in Safety-Critical Software Product Line Engineering, International Conference on Software Reuse, ICSR 2018: New Opportunities for Software Reuse, LNCS 10826: 3-22, Springer
Aslansefat, K., Kabir, S., Gheraibia, Y., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2020). Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis for Systems Safety and Reliability Analysis: state-of-the-art in modelling, analysis and tools, in Reliability Management and Engineering: Challenges and Future Trends, Taylor & Francis.
Armengaud E., Macher G., Massoner A., Frager S., Adler R., Schneider D., Longo S., Melis M., Groppo R., Villa F., O’Leary P., Bambury K., Finnegan A., Zeller M. Papadopoulos Y., Hawkins R., Kelly T. (2017) DEIS: Dependability Engineering Innovation for Industrial CPS”, in Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (eds) Zachäus, Carolin, Müller, Beate, Meyer, Gereon, Lecture Notes in Mobility, pp. 151-163, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-66972-4, ISSN 2196-5552
Kabir S., Papadopoulos Y., Walker M., Parker D., Unanue J., Lampe J., Rüde E. (2017) A Model-Based Extension to HiP-HOPS for Dynamic Fault Propagation Studies, LNCS 10437: 163-178, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-64118-8, ISSN 0302-9743
Retouniotis A., Papadopoulos Y., Sorokos I., Parker D., Matragkas N., Sharvia S. (2017) Model-Connected Safety Cases, LNCS 10437: 50-66, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-64118-8, ISSN 0302-9743
Oliveira A., Braga R.,Masiero P., Papadopoulos Y., Habli I., Kelly T. (2015) Supporting the Automated Generation of Modular Product Line Safety Cases, in Theory and Engineering of Complex Systems and Dependability (eds) Zamojski, Mazurkiewicz, Janusz Kacprzyk, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 365:319-330, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-19215-4, ISSN 2194-5357
Sorokos I., Papadopoulos Y., Walker M., Azevedo L.S., Parker D. (2015) Driving design refinement: How to optimize allocation of software development assurance or integrity requirements, in Mistrik I. et al., Software Quality Assurance for Large Scale Systems, pp. 237-250, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-802301-3
Sharvia S., Kabir S., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2015) Model-based dependability analysis: State-of-the-art, challenges, and future outlook, in Mistrik I. et al., Software Quality Assurance for Large Scale Systems, pp. 251-275, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-802301-3
Mian Z., Bottaci L., Papadopoulos Y., Sharvia S., Mahmud N. (2014) Model Transformation for Multi-objective Architecture Optimisation of Dependable Systems, in Zamojski W., Sugier J. (eds), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 307, 2015:91-110, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-08963-8
Azevedo L., Parker D., Papadopoulos Y., Walker M., Sorokos I., Araújo R.E. (2014) Exploring the Impact of Different Cost Heuristics in the Allocation of Safety Integrity Levels, 4th Int'l Symposium on Model-based Safety Assessment, Munich, Model-Based Safety and Assessment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8822: 70-81, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-12213-7, ISSN 0302-9743
Kabir S., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2014) Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Systems by Translating Temporal Fault Trees into Bayesian Networks, 4th Int'l Symposium on Model-based Safety Assessment, Munich, Model-Based Safety and Assessment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8822: 96-109, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-12213-7, ISSN 0302-9743
Edifor E., Gordon N., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2014) Using Simulation to Evaluate Dynamic Systems with Weibull or Lognormal Distributions, 9th Int'l Conf. on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX. Poland, Zamojski W. et al (eds), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 286:177-187, ISBN: 978-3-319-07012-4
Parker D., Walker M., Azevedo L., Papadopoulos Y., Araujo R. (2013) Automatic Decomposition and Allocation of Safety Integrity Levels using a Penalty-based Genetic Algorithm, Recent Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence, LNCS 7906: 449-459, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-38576-6
Parker D., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2013) Model-Based Functional Safety Analysis and Architecture Optimisation. Embedded Computing Systems: Applications, Optimization, and Advanced Design, (eds) Khalgui M., Mosbahi O., Valentini A. Information Science Reference, Chapter 4, pp. 79-92, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3922-5, ISBN13: 9781466639225, IGI Global, USA
Hans Blom, Henrik Lönn, Frank Hagl, Papadopoulos Y., Mark-Oliver Reiser, Carl-Johan Sjöstedt, De-Jiu Chen, Fulvio Tagliabò, Sandra Torchiaro, Sara Tucci, Ramin Tavakoli Kolagari (2013) EAST-ADL: An Architecture Description Language for Automotive Software-Intensive Systems, Embedded Computing Systems: Applications, Optimization, and Advanced Design, (eds) Khalgui M., Mosbahi O., Valentini A. Information Science Reference, Chapter 23, pp. 456-470, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3922-5, ISBN13: 9781466639225, IGI Global, USA
Z Mian, L Bottaci, Y Papadopoulos, M Biehl (2012) System Dependability Modelling and Analysis Using AADL and HiP-HOPS, IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 14 (1), 1647-1652, ISSN: 1474-6670, ISBN: 978-3-902661-98-2
Amer Dheedan, Papadopoulos Y. (2012), Multi-Agent Safety Monitoring System, in Enterprise Management Information Systems, Papadopoulos and Petratos (eds), pp. 161-174, Atiner, ISBN:978-960-9549-60-8
Papadopoulos Y., Adachi M., Sharvia S., Parker D., Tohdo T., Walker M. (2012) Optimization of fault tolerance using model transformations, in Enterprise Management Information Systems, Papadopoulos and Petratos (eds), pp. 161-174, Atiner, ISBN:978-960-9549-60-8
Fulvio Tagliabò, Sandra Torchiaro, Rolf Johansson, Henrik Lönn, Martin Walker, Papadopoulos Y, Anders Sandberg, DeJiu Chen (2011) Dedicated Modelling Support for the Automotive Functional Safety Standard, IEEE Dependable Computing Systems (DEPCOS’11), In Monographs of System Dependability - Problems of Dependability and Modelling. J. Mazurkiewicz et al. (Eds.), Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej.
Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y. (2011), Integrated Application of Compositional and Behavioural Safety Analysis, Dependable Computing Systems, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, AISC 97: 179-192, DOI: 10.1007, ISBN 978-3-642-21393-9, Springer.
Papadopoulos Y., Nggada, S., Parker, D., (2010) Extending HiP-HOPS with Capabilities of Planning Preventative Maintenance, Strategic Advantage of Computing Information Systems in Enterprise Management, (eds) Majid Sarrafzadeh Volume containing revised selected papers from Int’l Conference in Computer Systems and Information Systems 2009-2010, pp. 231-245, ISBN: 978-960-6672-93-4
Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y. (2010), Integrating Compositional Safety Analysis and Formal Verification, Strategic Advantage of Computing Information Systems in Enterprise Management, (eds) Majid Sarrafzadeh. Volume containing revised selected papers from Int’l Conference in Computer Systems and Information Systems 2009-2010, pp. 181-201, ISBN: 978-960-6672-93-4
P. Cuenot, P. Frey, R. Johansson, H. Lönn, Papadopoulos. Y., M.-O. Reiser, A. Sandberg, D. Servat, R. T. Kolagari, M. Törngren, M. Weber, (2010), The EAST-ADL Architecture Description Language for Automotive Embedded Software, in Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems, (eds) Giese H., Karsai G., Lee E., Rumpe B., Schätz B., Revised selected papers from Int’l Dagstuhl Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, November, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6100:297-305, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-16276-3, ISSN 0302-9743.
Papadopoulos Y. (2009) Methods and Tools: System Failure, Chapter in Ship-based Risk Design (ed) A. Papanikolaou, p.p. 150-176, ISBN 978-3-540-89041-6
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. Parker D., (2009), Application of a Temporal Logic in the Synthesis of Sequential Failure Modes and Effects Analyses, Recent Advances in Computing and Management Information Systems, (ed) Marcoulides G.A., pp. 189-207, ISBN 978-960-6672-50-7
DeJiu Chen, Rolf Johansson, Henrik Lönn, Papadopoulos Y., Anders Sandberg, Fredrik Törner, Törngren M. (2008) Modelling Support for Design of Safety-Critical Automotive Embedded Systems, Computer Safety Reliability and Security - SAFECOMP 2008 (eds) Harrison M., Sujan M., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5219:72-85, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-87697-7, ISSN 0302-9743.
Papadopoulos Y., Grante C., Zeng W. (2008) Advanced Safety Engineering Using Compositional Analysis and Optimisation Techniques, Current Advances in Computing, Engineering and Information (eds) Petratos P. & Dandapani P., pp. 81-95, ISBN: 978-960-6672-34-7
Grunske L., Lindsay P., Bondarev E., Papadopoulos Y., Parker D. (2007) An Outline of an Architecture-Based Method for Optimizing Dependability Attributes of Software-Intensive Systems, Chapter in Volume on Architecting Dependable Systems IV (eds) Lemos, Gacek, Romanovsky, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4615:188-209, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-74033-9, ISSN 0302-9743
Walker M., Bottaci L., Papadopoulos Y. (2007) Compositional Temporal Safety Analysis, Computer Safety Reliability and Security - SAFECOMP 2007 (eds) Saglietti, Oster, Norbert, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4680:105-119, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-75100-7, ISSN 0302-9743.
Grunske L., Kaiser B., Papadopoulos Y. (2005) Model-Driven Safety Evaluation with State-Event-Based Component Failure Annotations, Component-based Software Engineering, ACM SIGSOFT Symposium, (eds) Heineman, Crnkovic, Heinz, Stafford, Clemens, Szyperski, Wallnau, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3489:33-48, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-25877-3, ISSN 0302-9743.
Scheidler C., Pushner P., Boutin S., Papadopoulos Y., Pisecky M., Rennhack J., Virnich U. (2005) Review of advanced methodologies: The SETTA approach, in Bouyssounouse B., Sifakis J. (eds) Embedded Systems Design, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3436:92-96, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-25107-1, ISSN 0302-9743.
Papadopoulos Y. (2002), Model-based on-line monitoring using a state sensitive fault propagation model, Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (eds) Anderson, Bologna, Felici, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2434:236-248, Springer, ISBN 3-540-44157-3, ISSN 0302-9743.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A. (1999), Hierarchically Performed Hazard Origin and Propagation Studies, Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, Felici M., Kanoun K., Pasquini A., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1698:139-152, Springer, ISBN 3-540-66488-2, ISSN 0302-9743.
Aslansefat, K. & Papadopoulos, Y. (2020). A Conceptual Framework for Data-driven Reliability-centred Evolutionary and Automated Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms. EERA DeepWind'2020, Norway.
Papadopoulos, Y., Torrao, L. (2019) Meeting Epictetus and Seneca in an Infinite Virtual Stoa - Classical Wisdom as Emotional Education of the Future, In proceedings of 'Generative Art: Futuring Past' event of the 'Letterature Festival Internationale di Roma', Casa delle Litterature, Rome 7th of June 2019, pp. 89-102, Domus Argenia, ISBN 978-88-96610-37-4.
Aslansefat, K. & Papadopoulos, Y. (2019). DREAM: Data-driven Reliability-centred Evolutionary Automated Maintenance for Offshore Wind Farms, Global Offshore Wind 2019 – London.
Papadopoulos, Y., Torrao, L., Vakali A. (2019) An Alternative Virtual Odyssey, In proceedings of XXII Generative Art Conference, Museo Nationale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Rome 19-21 of December 2019, pp.462-473, Domus Argenia Publisher, ISBN 978-88-96610-39-8.
Parker D., Godof A., Papadopoulos Y., Saintis L. (2018) A Study of Automatic Allocation of Automotive Safety Requirements in Two Modes: Components and Failure Modes, WCX World Congress Experience, DOI: 10.4271/2018-01-1076, Detroit.
Torrao, L., Papadopoulos, Y.and McKie, D. (2018) An Infinite Virtual Stoa, In XXI Generative Art Conference, GA2018, Domus Argenia Publisher, pp.183-194, Verona 2018, ISBN 978-88-96610-34-3.
Torrao, L., Papadopoulos, Y. and McKie, D. (2017). TIMAEUS: Three-dimensional Illuminated Media Augmented Sculptures. In: XX Generative Art Conference, GA2017, Domus Argenia Publisher, pp.459-469, Ravenna 2017, ISBN 978-88-96610-33-6
Sorokos I., Papadopoulos Y., Bottaci L. (2016) Maintaining Safety Arguments via Automatic Allocation of Safety Requirements, IFAC AMEST 2016, IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (28):25–30, Elsevier, ISSN: 2405-8963.
Papadopoulos Y. (2016) Darwin, Penguins, and ISO 26262, Automotive System Safety Europe, Invited Paper, Berlin, November 28-30.
Sorokos I, Azevedo L.P, Papadopoulos Y., Walker D., Parker D.J., Comparing Automatic Allocation of Safety Integrity Levels in the Aerospace and Automotive Domains, 14th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, CTS 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, 18—20 May, IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (3): 184-190, Elsevier, ISSN: 2405-8963
F. Chiacchio, C. Romano, F. Merlo, D. D’Urso, L. Compagno, D. Parker, M. Walker, Y. Papadopoulos, G. Manno. (2016) An application for the early safety assessment to bridge the gap between design and automated dependability assessment, Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Symposium (ESREL), Glasgow, September 2016.
Papadopoulos Y. (2016) Can genes and flightless aquatic birds allocate automotive safety requirements?, Annual Advanced Automotive Diagnostics Summit, Invited paper, Stuttgart February 18-19
Papadopoulos Y. (2015) Metaheuristics for the design of safety critical systems: A synthesis of logic and biology in system design, Keynote, IEEE Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS), IEEE Xplore
Gheraibia Y., Moussaoui A., Azevedo L. S., Parker D., Papadopoulos Y.,Walker M. (2015) Can aquatic flightless birds allocate Automotive Safety requirements IEEE Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS), pp.1- 6, IEEE Xplore
Schneider D., Papadopoulos Y., Armengaud Y., Trapp M., Zeller M., Höfig K. (2015) Digital Dependability Identities, 26th IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Washington DC, November 2-5, pp. 324-329, IEEE Conference publications
Papadopoulos Y. (2015) A Synthesis of Logic and Biology in the Design of Dependable Systems, IFAC-DCDS'15, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (7): 1-8, Elsevier, ISSN: 2405-8963
Sorokos I., Papadopoulos Y., Azevedo L., Parker D., Walker D. (2015) Automating Allocation of Development Assurance Levels: an extension to HiP-HOPS, IFAC-DCDS'15, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (7): 9-14, Elsevier, ISSN: 2405-8963
Kabir S., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y (2015) Quantitative evaluation of Pandora Temporal Fault Trees via Petri Nets, IFAC-SAFEPROCESS'15, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (21):458-463, Elsevier, ISSN: 2405-8963
Oliveira A. L., Papadopoulos Y., Azevedo L. S., Parker D., Braga R.T.V., Masiero P. C., Habli I., Kelly T. (2015) Automatic Allocation of Safety Requirements to Components of a Software Product Line, IFAC-SAFEPROCESS'15, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (21):1309-1314, Elsevier, ISSN: 2405-8963
Oliveira A., Braga R., Masiero P, Papadopoulos Y., Habli I., Kelly T. (2014) A Model-Based Approach to Support the Automatic Safety Analysis of Multiple Product Line Products, SBES'14, the IEEE Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering Manaus, Brazil, on November 3-7, proceedings by IEEE.
Azevedo L., Parker D., Papadopoulos Y., Walker M., Sorokos I., Araújo R.E. (2014) Exploring the Impact of Different Cost Heuristics in the Allocation of Safety Integrity Levels, 4th Int'l Symposium on Model-based Safety Assessment, Munich, October 27-29, Proceedings published by Springer in LNCS series, ISBN:978-3319122137
Kabir S., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2014) Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Systems by Translating Temporal Fault Trees into Bayesian Networks, 4th Int'l Symposium on Model-based Safety Assessment, Munich, October 27-29, Proceedings published by Springer in LNCS series, ISBN:978-3319122137
Edifor E., Gordon N., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2014) Using Simulation to Evaluate Dynamic Systems with Weibull or Lognormal Distributions, 9th Int'l Conf. on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX. Poland, Zamojski W. et al (eds), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 286:177-187, ISBN: 978-3-319-07012-4
Nggada, S. H., Papadopoulos Y. (2014) The Role of Expert Judgement in Optimising Preventive Maintenance and System Architecture, COGNITIVE 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, Venice, pp.38-44, ISBN: 978-1-61208-340-7
Al-Qora’n L., Gordon N., Sharvia S., Walker S., Papadopoulos Y. (2014) An Approach to Safety Analysis of Clinical Workflows, ICCSIS’14,10th Int’l Conference on Computer Science & Information Systems, May 2014, Athens
Chen D., Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y., Lönn H., Walker. M. (2014) Enhancing the EAST-ADL error model with HiP-HOPS semantics, ICCSIS’14,10th Int’l Conference on Computer Science & Information Systems, May 2014, Athens
Papadopoulos, Y., Parker, D., Walker, M., Alexander, E., Bono, R., Alberti, A., Salmieri, B. (2013) An evolving Musical Painting on The Boundary between Permanence and Change, Proceedings of the XVI Generative Art Conference, pp. 261-268, ISBN 978-88-96610-25-1
Z. Mian, L. Bottaci, Y. Papadopoulos (2013) Multi-objective Architecture Optimisation for Dependable Systems, International Workshop on Model-Based Safety Assessment, Versaille, 25-27 March, 2013
Parker D., Walker M., Azevedo L., Papadopoulos Y., Araujo R. (2013) Automatic Decomposition and Allocation of Safety Integrity Levels using a Penalty-based Genetic Algorithm. 26th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, and other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2012), (eds) Moonis Ali, Tibor Bosse, Koen V. Hindriks, Mark Hoogendoorn, Catholijn M. Jonker, Jan Treur, LNCS 7906:449-459, ISBN: 978-3-642-38576-6, Springer
Azevedo L., Parker D., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y., Araujo R. (2013) Automatic Decomposition of Safety Integrity Levels: Optimisation by Tabu Search. 2nd Workshop on Critical Automotive applications: Robustness & Safety (CARS), at the 32nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP'13), Toulouse, France, 2013.
Chen, D, Mahmud, N., Walker, M., Feng, L., Lonn, H., Papadopoulos, Y. (2013) Systems Modeling with EAST-ADL for Fault Tree Analysis through HiP-HOPS. 4th IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (DCDS'13), York, UK, 4-6th September 2013. pp 91-96. doi: 10.3182/20130904-3-UK-4041.00043
Chen D., Lönn H., Mraidha C., Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Reiser M-O., Servat D., Azevedo L.S., Tucci-Piergiovanni S., Walker M. (2013) Automatic Optimisation of System Architectures using EAST-ADL. SAFECOMP 2013 - Workshop ASCoMS Architecting Safety in Collaborative Mobile Systems) of the 32nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Toulouse, France, September 2013.
Nggada, S. H., Papadopoulos, Y., Parker, D. J. (2013) Combined Optimisation of System Architecture and Maintenance. 4th IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (DCDS'13), York, UK, 4-6th September 2013. 4:1 (25-30). doi: 10.3182/20130904-3-UK-4041.00019, ISBN: 978-3-902823-49-6, ISSN: 1474-6670
Z Mian, L Bottaci, Y Papadopoulos, M Biehl (2012) System Dependability Modelling and Analysis Using AADL and HiP-HOPS, IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 14 (1), 1647-1652, ISSN: 1474-6670, ISBN: 978-3-902661-98-2
Erich Ruede, Martin Walker, Papadopoulos Y., Peter Securius, David Parker (2012), Experience from Application of Semi-Automatic Fault Tree Synthesis to Reliability and Availability Analysis of Ship Systems, 22nd International offshore and polar engineering conference, pp. 619-627, ISBN 978-1‑880653‑94-4, ISSN 1098-6189
Amer Dheedan & Papadopoulos Y. (2012) , Multi-Agent Safety Monitoring System, 7th International Conference On Computer Science & Information Systems, Athens, June 2011
Mahmud N., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2011) Compositional synthesis of Temporal Fault Trees from State Machines, 6th Annual IEEE Conference Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2011), DYADEM workshop, Vienna, Austria, DOI 10.1109/ARES.2011.89, p.p. 429-435, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4485-4, IEEE publications
Amer Dheedan & Papadopoulos Y. (2011) , Model-Based Distributed On-line Safety Monitoring, The Third International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence, proceedings of EMERGING 2011, Lisbon, November 2011, XPS (Xpert Publishing Services), ISBN: 978-1-61208-174-8
Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y. (2011), IACoB-SA: an Approach towards Integrated Safety Assessment, 7th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2011), Trieste, Italy, proceedings in electronic volume with ISBN 978-1-4577-1732-1/11/, IEEE publications
Papadopoulos Y., Martin Walker, Henrik Lönn (2011) Automatic allocation of system safety requirements to components of a system architecture using HiP-HOPS, Model-based Safety Assessment Workshop 2011, ONERA Toulouse, France.
Mahmud N., Papadopoulos Y. Walker M. (2010) Translation of State Machines to Temporal Fault Trees, Int’l Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks - Workshops (DSN-W ‘2010) – PFARM workshop, June 2010, Chicago, pp. 45 – 51, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7729-6
Nggada S.H., Parker D. J., Papadopoulos Y. (2010) Dynamic Effect of Perfect Preventive Maintenance on System Reliability and Cost Using HiP-HOPS, IFAC-MCPL 2010, 5th Conference On Management And Control Of Production And Logistics, September 2010, Coimbra – Portugal, published in
Papadopoulos Y. Walker M., Reiser M-O, Weber M., Servat D., Abele A., Johansson R., Lonn H., Torngren M., Sandberg A. (2010), Automatic Allocation of Safety Integrity Levels, 8th European Dependable Computing Conference – CARS workshop, Valencia, Spain, Spain, pp. 7-11, ACM press, ISBN:978-1-60558-915-2
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2010) A Hierarchical Method for the Reduction of Temporal Expressions in Pandora, 8th European Dependable Computing Conference - DYADEM workshop, Valencia, Spain, pp. 7-13, ACM press, ISBN:978-1-60558-916-9
Papadopoulos Y. (2011) Model-based dependability analysis & optimisation using Hi-HOPS, Model-based Safety Assessment Workshop 2010, ONERA Toulouse, France.
Dheedan A., Papadopoulos Y., Multi-Agent Safety Monitoring System, IFAC workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’10), Lisbon, 2010, published in
Nggada S.H., Papadopoulos Y., Parker D. J., Extending HiP-HOPS with Capabilities of Planning Preventative Maintenance, 6th International Conference On Computer Science & Information Systems, Athens, June 2010.
Abele A., Johansson R., Lonn H., Papadopoulos Y., Reiser M-O, Servat D., Torngren M., Weber M. (2010), The CVM Framework - A Prototype Tool for Compositional Variability Management, VAMOS’2010, 4th Fourth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, Linz, Austria, ICB report 37:101-108, ISSN 1860‐2770
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Törngren M., Chen D., Johansson R., Sandberg A. (2009), Semi-Automatic FMEA supporting complex systems with combinations and sequences of failures, SAE World Congress, Published in SAE volume in Safety-Critical Systems, ISBN: 978-0-7680-2118-9.
Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y. (2009), Model-based Safety Analysis Using Compositional Analysis and Formal Verification, ICCSIS’09,5th Int’l Conference on Computer Science & Information Systems, July 2009, Athens
Zeng W., Papadopoulos Y., Parker D. (2008), Multi-objective Optimization of Dependability Attributes Using An Asynchronous Heterogeneous Hierarchical Parallel Genetic Algorithm, IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Poland 2008, published in
Sharvia S., Papadopoulos Y. (2008), Non-coherent Modelling in Compositional Safety Analysis, IFAC, 17th World Congress, Int’l Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, July, 2008, published in
Hamann R., Uhlig A., Papadopoulos Y., Rüde E., Grätz U., Lien R. (2008) Derivation or Ship System Safety Criteria by means of Risk-Based Ship System Safety Analysis, ASME 27th Int’l Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE’08), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Estoril Portugal, June 2008, 16 pages, proceeding on CD with ISBN: 0 7918 3821 8.
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2008) Assessment of Sequences of Failures in a Technique for Model-based Safety, ICCSIS’08, Int’l Conference on Computer Science & Information Systems, July 2008, Athens.
Wolforth I., Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2008) A language for failure patterns and application in safety analysis, IEEE Dependable Computing Systems (DEPCOS’08), pp 47-54, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/DepCoS-RELCOMEX.2008.44, June 26-28 2008, Szklarska Poreba, Poland, June 2008, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3179-3.
Parker D., Papadopoulos Y. (2007) Optimization of Networked Control Systems Using Model-based Safety Analysis Techniques, ICNSC07, IEEE Conference On Networking, Sensing and Control, London 15-17 April, Doi 10.1109/ICNSC.2007.372816, Proceedings on CD with ISBN 1-4244-1076-2
Uhlig A., Kurzbach G., Hamann R., Papadopoulos Y., Walker M., Lühmann B., (2007) Simulation Model Based Risk and Reliability Analysis, Tagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit, Annual VDI reliability conference, Stuttgart, 22-23.April, Proceedings on CD, ISBN: 1-4354-1378-3 Papadopoulos Y. (2007) Advanced Safety Engineering Using Compositional Analysis and Evolutionary Optimisation Techniques, ICCSIS’07, Int’l Conference on Computer Science & Information Systems, July 23-26, 2007, Athens
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2007) PANDORA 2: The time of Priority OR gates, DCDS’07, 1st IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Event Systems, Paris, 2007, pp. 169-174, Elsevier Science, also published in
Parker D., Papadopoulos Y. (2007) Effective Multi-criteria Redundancy Allocation Via Model-Based Safety Analysis, IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Alicante, 2007, Elsevier Science.
Walker M., Bottaci L., Papadopoulos Y. (2007) Compositional Temporal Safety Analysis, 26th Int’l Conf. on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Nuremberg, Germany, Sept. 2007
Parker, D., Papadopoulos, Y., “Automatic Dependability Versus Cost Optimisation of Distributed Vehicle Control Systems”, 11th European Automotive Congress, EAEC’07, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.
Hamann R., Kurzbach G., Lühmann B., Papadopoulos Y., Uhlig A., Walker M. (2007) Extending Simulation X to Support Model-based Safety and Reliability Analysis of Systems, System Simulation Workshop, Dresden, September 2007.
P. Cuenot, P. Frey, R. Johansson, H. Lönn, Papadopoulos. Y., M.-O. Reiser, A. Sandberg, D. Servat, R. T. Kolagari, M. Törngren, M. Weber, (2007), The EAST-ADL Architecture Description Language for Automotive Embedded Software, Int’l Dagstuhl Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, Nov. 2007.
Barragan I.S., Faure J-M., Papadopoulos Y. (2006) Including Systematic Faults Into Fault Tree Analysis, SAFEPROCESS’06, 6th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes , Beijing, China, 2006, p.p. 811-818, ISBN 10: 0-08-044485-7.
Walker M., Papadopoulos Y. (2006) PANDORA: The time of Priority AND gates, INCOM 2006, 12th IFAC Int’l Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, France, 2006, pp. 235-240, Elsevier Science, ISBN: 978-0-08-044654-7
Grunske L., Papadopoulos Y. (2006) Application Of Evolutionary Algorithms To Solve The Safety-Costs Trade-Off Problem In Control System Design, INCOM 2006, 12th IFAC Int’l Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, France, 2006, Elsevier Science, pp. 247-252, ISBN: 978-0-08-044654-7
Papadopoulos Y. (2006) Evolutionary Safety-Cost Tradeoffs in System Design via Compositional Safety Analysis, ICSHA’06, Int’l Conference on Hybrid Systems and Applications, Lafayette, USA.
Papadopoulos Y., Tran A., Faure J.-M. C.Grante (2006) Component failure behaviour: patterns and reuse in automated system safety analysis, SAE World Congress, Detroit, April 2006, SAE Volume on Safety Critical Systems, ISBN: 0-7680-1764-5.
Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Walker, Grante C. (2006) Component-Based, Automated FMEA of Advanced Active Safety Systems, FISITA’06, 31st World Automotive Congress, Yokohama, Published by JSAE, ISBN: 4-915219-83-6, 2006.
Grante C., Papadopoulos Y. (2005) Achieving tradeoffs between functionality and safety at early stages in the design of complex systems, IFAC, 16th World Congress, Int’l Federation of Automatic Control, Prague, July 4-8, Proceedings on CD, 6 pages, ISBN 0-08-045108-X.
Papadopoulos Y., Grante C., Grunske L., Kaiser B. (2005) Continuous assessment of evolving designs& re-use in model-based safety analysis, IFAC, 16th World Congress, Int’l Federation of Automatic Control, Prague, July 4-8, Proceedings on CD, 6 pages, ISBN 0-08-045108-X.
Petersen U., Wu Q., Uhlig A., Papadopoulos Y. (2005) Integration von Simulation und Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse für komplexe Systeme, TTZ 2005, 22.Tagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit, Annual VDI (Association of German Engineers) Conf., Stuttgart, 7-8 April 2005.
Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Walker M., Petersen U. , Hamann R., Wu. Q., Uhlig A. (2005) Automated Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) of systems on board ship, ICMRT’05, Int’l Conf. On Marine Research and Transportation, Ischia/Naples, September 19-21, Proc. on CD, 12 pages, 2005.
Grunske L., Kaiser B., Papadopoulos Y. (2005) Model-Driven Safety Evaluation with State-Event-Based Component Failure Annotations, 8th International SIGSOFT Symposium on Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE 2005), St Louis, 2005
Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Grante C. (2004) A method and tool support for model-based semi-automated Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) of engineering designs, 9th Australian Workshop Safety Critical Systems (SCS'04), Brisbane, Conf. in Research and Practice in Information Technology, 47:89-95, ACS, 2004.
Papadopoulos Y., Grante C. (2004) An evolutionary process for the design of safe computer-based systems, INCOM 2004, 11th IFAC Int’l Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Salvador, Brasil, April 2004, Elsevier Science, ISBN-13: 978-0-08-044249-5 (received distinction among best papers).
Papadopoulos Y., Grante C., Wedlin J. (2004) Automating aspects of safety design in contemporary automotive systems, FISITA’04, 30th World Automotive Congress, Barcelona, Proc. on CD, 12 pages, Published by JSAE, ISBN: 4-715221-78-4, 2004 (nominated for the Future Automotive Technology Award).
Papadopoulos Y., Parker D., Grante C. (2004) Automating the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of safety critical systems, HASE’04, 8th IEEE Int’l Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, pp. 312-314. March 2004.
Papadopoulos Y., Grante C. (2003) Techniques and tools for automated safety analysis & decision support for redundancy allocation in automotive systems, COMPSAC’03, 27th IEEE Int’l Conf. on Computer Software and Applications, pp. 105-110, Dallas Texas, Nov 2003 (received distinction among best papers).
Papadopoulos Y., Petersen U. (2003) Combining ship machinery system design and first principle safety analysis, IMDC’03, 8th Int’l Marine Design Conf., Athens, pp. 1:415-426, ISBN 960-92218-0-7, May 2003.
Papadopoulos Y. (2002) Model-based on-line monitoring using a state sensitive fault propagation model, 21st Int’l Conf. on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Catania, Sicily, Sept. 2002
Scheidler C., Virnich U., Boutin S., Rennhack J., Grünsteidl G., Pisecky M., Kirner R., Papadopoulos Y. (2002) Systems Engineering von zeitgesteuerten Systemen - das SETTA Prozessmodell, VDI/VDE GMA Fachtagung, Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AutoReg 2002, pp. 226-238, Mannheim, Germany, 2002.
Papadopoulos Y., Maruhn M. (2001) Model-based automated synthesis of fault trees from Matlab-Simulink models, DSN’2001, Int’l Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks, Gotenborg, Sweden, pp. 77-82, ISBN 0-7695-1101-5, July 2001.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J.A., Scheidler C., Mavrides A., Maruhn M. (2001) Semiautomatic safety analysis of programmable systems in automotive applications, ADAS 2001, Int’l Conf. on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Birmingham, U.K., IEE publications, 483:53-57, Sept 2001.
Scheidler C., Pushner P., Boutin S., Fuchs E., Gruensteidl G., Papadopoulos Y., Pisecky M., Rennhack J., Virnich U. (2000) Systems Engineering of Time-Triggered architectures – The SETTA Approach, DCCS-2000, 16th Int’l Workshop on Distributed Control Systems, pp 77-83, Sydney, Nov 2000.
Papadopoulos Y., Mauri G., McDermid J. A. (2000) Systematic anticipation and validation of scenarios of failure propagation and mitigation in PLC controlled processes, 4th Int’l Symposium on Programmable Systems in Safety Related Applications, pages 1-14/14, Cologne, May 2000.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A. (1999) A new method for safety analysis and the mechanical synthesis of fault trees in complex systems, ICSSEA ‘99, 12th Int’l Conf. on Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications, 4(13):1-9, Paris, Dec 1999.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A. (1999) Extending and automating classical safety analyses to rationalise and simplify complex safety assessments, in Pushner P. (ed.), Design Methods and Tools for Dependable Systems and Quality of Service, 10th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, pages 15-20, Austrian Computer Society, ISBN: 3-85403-125-4, May 1999.
Mauri G., McDermid J. A., Papadopoulos Y. (1998) Extension of hazard and safety analysis techniques to address problems of hierarchical scale, IEE Colloquium on Systems Engineering of Aerospace Projects, IEE Digest no: 98/249, pp. 4.1/4.6, London , 1998.
Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A. (1998) A Harmonised model for safety assessment and certification of safety critical systems, CEIRE '98, 2nd European Conference on Industrial Requirements Engineering, pp. 9-17, London, Oct. 1998 (received distinction among best papers).
Hassapis G., Papadopoulos Y. (1992) A compiler with fault injection capability for Programmable Logic Controllers. Int’l Conf. on Information Systems and Applications, Patras, Greece 1992, (paper based on my undergraduate dissertation)
Cain J., Horis J., Kamra V.P, Koirala, K., Lavender V., Papadopoulos Y., Swift S. (1992) Measuring the effectiveness of the interlink between the design function and the production function, Conf. on Technology Management, pp. H:1-20, Cranfield University , Nov 1992.
Papadopoulos Y. (2000) Safety-directed system monitoring using safety cases, D.Phil. thesis, Tech, Rep. YCST-2000-08, Department of Computer Science, University of York, 2000.
Papadopoulos Y. (1993) An Object-oriented tool for automated testing and debugging of Programmable Logic Controller programs, MSc thesis, Cranfield University, 1993.
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